
 Week of October 23, 2020

    This past week was more so fo a calmer week compared to last week since we are going into midterm break. I feel as though the class is a bit challenging but then again, if it wasn't a challenge I feel as though we would never learn. I am definitely enjoying midterm break as these past exams that I've had have been more on the difficult side. My learning style is definitely more visual and I enjoy the powerpoint slides as they do carry a lot of detail and nice photos. I am definitely learning content that I had never seen before and the class is very interesting and extremely relevant as we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. My grade on my exam was decent but for next time, I know I have to study harder to improve it. I definitely need to be quicker with my skills since the time limit we received on the exam was not too great. I need to study more this way I am able to narrow down the answers quicker and move onto the next questions so I can swiftly complete the entire exam. 


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