
 Week of October 16

    This past week has been hectic for me. Exams on exams and projects to come along with them. We recently took our first exam and I don't feel too confident about it simply because of the time limit that was given to complete all those questions. I had to rush and for the last couple of questions, I pretty much just submitted whatever I saw that pertained to the questions. The information i'm learning is relevant as i'm planning on going into pharmacy. Learning how certain meds inhibit certain processes in the immune system plays a key role. Im currently taking biochem, which is definitely helping me to better understand the class when it comes to proteins and their structure. The material i'm learning is actually interesting and I definitely know a lot more about the immune system then what I previously knew. Previously, I  just understood that there was an innate and adaptive system but I didn't hear too much about the complement system. We had a whole chapter dedicated to this and it definitely helped me to get familiar with its functions and its role in getting rid of microbes. Ive learned that i'm definitely a visual learner and like to see models and diagrams. This class definitely pertains to daily life as we are still going through pandemic. Knowing the information about the immune system definitely helps me see how COVID-19 takes a toll on the immune system. I want to continue learning and studying as best I can to get as good of an understating as ic can. 


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